Redeeming Vouchers

When a customer purchases a membership online through Groupon, Living social or any other source, they are given a voucher with an associated voucher number.  The customer can either redeem that voucher online through the Guest Portal or bring the voucher into your facility and the voucher can be redeemed by an employee.  First we will discuss how to redeem a voucher through the guest portal.  Below is a sample voucher.


Redeeming the voucher through the guest portal.  

  1. The guest will go to the guest portal following the link [subdomain]
  2. The guest will login using their credentials.
  3. The guest will click on Redeem Vouchers on the main guest portal page.redeem_vouchers.png
  4. The guest then enters the voucher number from the voucher and clicks redeem.                        mceclip0.png
  5. If the voucher code is recognized by the system it will pull up that membership associated with the voucher number and it will prompt the guest to assign the membership to a member. 


6.  Once the voucher is assigned to a customer, the process is complete and the membership is ready to be used.  

Redeeming the voucher through the employee portal.

The second way to redeem a voucher is through the employee portal.  In this scenario, the guest would bring their voucher to the facility to be redeemed.  Follow the steps below to redeem the voucher through the employee portal.

  1. Look up the customer in the manage memberships activity.  If this is the first time this customer has had a membership create a new account for the customer
  2. Click on the "vouchers" tab in their customer account.mceclip3.png
  3. Enter the voucher number in the field provided.
  4. Assign the membership to the guest

  The process is complete and the membership has been added to the guest account.  Repeat the process above for any other vouchers that the customer may have. 



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