TSC Template
Each TSC template consists of following:
- A setup line.
- Any number of print element lines.
Line Format
Each "line" has the following format:
[keyword] { [parameter name] =[value] | [parameter name]=[value]}
Notice how the curly brackets are used to encapsulate the parameters and how the '|' character is used to separate parameters.
Setup Line
i.e. setup{Width=25.4|Height=247.142|PrintSpeed=4|PrintDensity=8|SensorType=1|VerticalGapHeight=0|ShiftDistance=0}
The setup line defines the printer's setup parameters in the following order:
- Parameter name: "width"
Definition: The width of the media in mm.
- Parameter name: "length"
Definition: The length of the media in mm.
- Parameter name: "printspeed"
Definition: The printer's print speed in inches per second.
Accepted Values: (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0)
- Parameter name: "printdensity"
Definition: The density of the print job. The greater the number, the darker the printing.
Accepted Values: (0 - 15).
- Parameter name: "sensortype"
Definition: The type of sensor used to determine the beginning/ending of each label.
Accepted Values:
- 0 indicates the vertical gap sensor is to be used. The vertical gap sensor looks for a gap between the ending of the first label and the beginning of the second label, defined by the vertical gap height (see next parameter).
- 1 indicates the black mark sensor is to be used. The black mark sensor looks for a black line on the bottom of the media defining where the media begins.
- Parameter name: "verticalgapheight"
Definition: The vertical gap height in mm. The gap height is defined as the distance between end of the current label and the beginning of the next label.
- Parameter name: "shiftdistance"
Definition: The shift distance of the gap/black mark in mm. In the case of the average label, set this parameter to be 0.
Element Lines
There are 2 different types of elements that can be added to the label: barcode and text.
Barcode Line
i.e. barcode{X=140|Y=600|BarcodeType=128|Height=100|PrintBarcodeText=true|Rotation=90|
The barcode line defines a barcode element to be printed on a label and takes the
following ordered parameters.
- Parameter name: "x"
Definition: The starting x position of the element on the label.
- Parameter name: "y"
Definition: The starting y position of the element on the label.
- Parameter name: "barcodetype"
Definition: The type of barcode to print.
Accepted Values:
128 Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C automatically
128M Code128, switching code subset A, B, C manually
EAN128 Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C automatically
25 Interleaved 2 of 5
25C Interleaved 2 of 5 with check digits
39 Code 39
39C Code 39 with check digits
93 Code 93
EAN13 EAN 13
EAN13+2 EAN 13 with 2 digits add-on
EAN13+5 EAN 13 with 5 digits add-on
EAN8+2 EAN 8 with 2 digits add-on
EAN8+5 EAN 8 with 5 digits add-on
CODA Codabar
POST Postnet
UPCA+2 UPC-A with 2 digits add-on
UPCA+5 UPC-A with 5 digits add-on
UPCE+2 UPC-E with 2 digits add-on
UPCE+5 UPC-E with 5 digits add-on
- Parameter name: "height"
Definition: The height of the barcode in points.
For a 200 DPI printer 1 point = 1/8 mm. For a 300 DPI printer 1 point = 1/12 mm.
- Parameter name: "printbarcodetext"
Definition: Indicates whether to print the text value of the barcode under the barcode.
Accepted Values: true or false.
- Parameter name: "rotation"
Definition: The rotation of the barcode.
Accepted Values: 0, 90, 180, 270.
- Parameter name: "content"
Definition: The barcode value.
Notes: The barcode value should not have the following characters: {}|
Text Line
i.e. text{ x=130| y=1000 | height=30| rotation=90 | windowsfontstyle=Normal| underlined=false|
windowsFont=Arial | Content=[[Ticket Notes]]}
The text line defines a text element to be printed on a label and takes the following
ordered parameters:
- Parameter name: "x"
Definition: The starting x position of the element on the label.
- Parameter name: "y"
Definition: The starting y position of the element on the label.
- Parameter name: "height"
Definition: The height of the text in points.
For a 200 DPI printer 1 point = 1/8 mm. For a 300 DPI printer 1 point = 1/12 mm.
- Parameter name: "rotation"
Definition: The rotation of the text.
Accepted Values: 0, 90, 180, 270.
- Parameter name: "windowsfontstyle"
Definition: The font style to apply to the text
Accepted Values: Normal, Bold, Italic, BoldAndItalic
- Parameter name: "underlined"
Definition: Indicates whether to underline the text.
Accepted Values: true or false
- Parameter name: "windowsfont"
Definition: The windows font to use when printing the text.
Accepted Values: Any of the default windows fonts.
- Parameter name: "content"
Definition: The text value.
Notes: The text value should not have the following characters: {}|
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