Displays the details of each session inside the date range.
Start Date - Start date of the sessions in range.
End Date - Ending date of the sessions in range.
Start Hour - start hour of sessions in range.
Start Minute - start minute of sessions in range.
Start Second - start second of sessions in range.
End Hour - end hour of sales in range.
End Minute - end minute of sales in range.
End Second - end second of sales in range.
Expand Groupings - by default expand all drill through to show all.
Group by - determines how the report will be grouped into.
Columns to show - hide/show columns of the report.
Site Name - site where the session happened.
Report Items
Site Name - Site where the session happened.
Start Date - starting date of the session.
Start Time / Day Count - number of sessions within that day.
Guest Name - Name of the guest registered in the session.
Email - Email of the guest.
Phone - Phone number of the guest.
Transaction ID - Transaction ID of the session.
Order ID - Order ID of the session.
Total Qty - Quantity used in the session.
Net Sales - Sales generated on the session.
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