Adding a New Account

This article explains the steps to adding a new account.  An account name can be the family name such as Sally Smith Family.  After adding a new account, guests can be added and memberships and other products can be sold.

1. After selecting Guest Management, select Create a New Account in the Account Options Menu.


2. Fill in the information about the account. The green-labeled fields are required. After filling in the required information, select Next.


3. Fill in the information for the Account Owner. The Account Owner is the responsible party for the account and is usually the head of the household or someone authorized to make purchases for the account.  If the guest does not plan on having any other guests on their account, then that guest is the account owner. Most of the information auto-populates from the Account Info.  Fill in the First Name, Last Name, birthdate, and upload or take a photo.  Also, change any information that differs from the Account Info.


5. If a webcam is connected to your computer, you can click on the camera icon to take a picture (proceed to step 8). If you want to upload a picture, first select upload


6. To upload a photo, choose the Select Files option and then open up the file. 


7. Once the image is uploaded, it should appear on the form. You can then select submit to proceed.


8. You're done creating the account and first guest.  Select Close.



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