Registers Overview

There are several activities listed in the menu on the left side of the screen in Aluvii's platform.  Employees will typically only have a few activities listed because they will just have the activities listed that they have permissions for.  After selecting Employee Registers, you will see all of the registers listed in the middle of the screen that you have access to.



Shown below is an example of a Food and Beverage register called Cafe Crunch.  Registers in Aluvii are very simple to set up and easy to use.  Each register can be created with a custom name, location, and products organized by categories for sale. Images can be added to categories and products. Registers have 3 major sections: the category section, the product section, and the shopping cart section.


  • (1) Categories - The categories are listed across the top of the screen.  If there are more than 5 categories, you can click on the arrows to scroll either direction to view the categories not currently shown.
  • (2) Products - Select any category to view the products. If there are more than 15 products, you can click on the arrows to scroll either direction to view products not currently shown.  Some product buttons have a symbol in the upper right hand corner which means that product has modifiers, which will be covered in another section. The green # symbol at the top of the product section is helpful to use when a guest is purchasing a large quantity of a specific product. You can scan or enter the bar code or lookup a product using the magnifying glass icon.
  • (3) Shopping Cart - Products and quantities will show up in the shopping cart on the right after they are selected.  The quantity can be adjusted in the shopping cart.  Products can also be deleted from the cart or the whole cart can be cleared. 
  • (4) Open Drawer - Employees should select this button at the bottom to pop open their drawer to add or remove their till.


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