Creating/Editing Product Groups

Product Groups are a grouping of products that can be sold together. For example, a combo meal consisting of a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink can be grouped in a product group. 

1. To set up a product group, select the Register Management activity.  Then select Product Groups on the Products tab.  


2. You can track a lot of details about products; however, only the fields with green font are required.  The required fields are:

  • Product group name
  • Product description
  • Unit per issue (How many are sold with 1 click of the button).  The unit per issue is usually 1.
  • Unit price for group - This is the price the product group will be sold for. 
  • Category - The category is a grouping of products on the register display and reports.
  • Tax Option - Select a tax option for each location the product will be available for sale.
  • Sellable - Mark as true.  If  you don't, the product will not show up on the register for sale.  This field is located at the bottom of the form near sales tax options.

Optional fields:

  • Inventoried - Check this box if you want this product group to be tracked in inventory.
  • Voucher Item -
  • Preparation Time (in minutes) - If this product is assigned to print to a kitchen register, the order will turn yellow and then red if you take too long to prepare the product.
  • Ticketing Item - Check this box if you want a ticket to print when this product is sold.  ex. Admission ticket
  • Product BarCode(SKU) - a barcode on the product  ex. Pre-packaged food such as water bottles
  • Universal Pricing - Check this to keep the price the same at all locations where the product is available for sale.
  • Price Adjustment Options - Click here to read about price adjustment options.
  • Sales start date and end date - The start and end dates of when this product is available for sale.
  • Shelf Life(Days)
  • Company BarCode(SKU) - A barcode that can be added for the product.  If the product has both a product and company barcode, both can be scanned for the product.
  • Supplier
  • Manufacturer
  • Category - Select a category from the list.  This is why it is helpful to create the categories before the products.
  • Product Group Image - You can upload an image that will display on the register with the product name.







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