Adding/Editing Discount Entitlements

Entitlements are privileges for members.  A discount entitlement is a membership benefit that is a discount in dollars or percentage off a product, product group, category, or membership. Some examples of discount entitlements are 20% off the Beverage category or $1 off churros product. Discount entitlements are used by adding the guest with that entitlement to a transaction.


1. In the Membership Packages module, select the Discount Entitlements tab.  Then, select Add Discount Entitlement.


2.  Fill in the Add Discount Entitlement form and select Create Entitlement.

  • Name
  • Product Type (Product, Product Group, Category, Membership)
  • Discount Type (Dollars or Percentage)
  • Exclusive - check this box to ensure that other discounts cannot be used in the same transaction
  • Discount - Type in the % or dollar amount
  • Select Discount Item - Select from a list.  The list is generated from the product type selected.
  • Max Uses
  • External Description
  • Internal Description - not required




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