Release 2.2

Release #:  2.2

Release Date:  9/1/2018

This code release includes many new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Keep reading to learn more about this release. Note that you may have to assign the associated login activities to the employees for new modules released to be visible in the left-side menu bar.


What's New?

  • Waiver Templates
    • We now have two waiver template options to choose from depending on which one you like better. The setting for this is located in the Workflow activity. 
  • Waterfall Packages
    • This feature allows your party packages to stagger the start times of activities within the booking schedule. It also allows for session products to be included with a booking. For example, many trampoline parks have packages where the first 1 hour of the party starts with a jump session. After the first hour of jump time, the group gets the next 1 hour in the party room. So the party is 2 hours duration, but the start times of session activity and party room are staggered by 1 hour. Waterfall packages are how this is set up. 
  • Quick Tips
    • On the payment window, there is a new payment option called "Tips". You can add a quick tip to any transaction. It also allows tips to be directly assigned to one or more employees. This works really well for credit card tips to party hosts. Our next release will include a "cash out" process for the tips.  
  • Spanish Language Translation
    • The entire Aluvii application has been translated into Spanish. To toggle the language, simply click the flag icon in the top right corner of the software and select the language. 
  • International payment processing
    • We have worked with our payment processing partners to provide credit processing for a large number of countries outside the US and Canada. If you are interested in processing internationally, contact Aluvii for more details. 
  • Google Tag Manager Integration
    • We have added Google Tag Manager code snippets to our customer-facing eCommerce store and Booking Portal. This will allow you to track your customer activity on our online portals including page views, add-to-cart events, and purchase events. This tool allows you to track the effectiveness and conversion of your marketing campaigns. The triggered events are sent back to Google Tag Manager and from there, you can manage literally hundreds of third-party scripts and tags including Facebook Pixel. To read more about Google Tag Manager, click here



  • Waiver Workflow & Configurations
    • The waivers setup now has a workflow to define some of the settings. In the workflow, we have added two checkbox configurations on the waiver. The first one requires the user to check a box acknowledging that he or she has read and understands the waiver and that all personal information is accurate. The second configuration allows the user to opt out of marketing communication. 
  • Required Modifiers
    • Product modifiers can now be marked "required". A modifier with this setting will require the user to select one of the options within the modifier. This applies to modifiers on the employee registers, booking portal, and the eCommerce store. 
  • Bookings Enhancements
    • Event Summary & Detail Report: In the booking module, there are two reports to give you more information about your upcoming bookings. The summary report just has the basic party/booking information, and the detail report provides everything about the party/booking. Both of these reports can be pulled for a date range that includes all bookings within the date range on the report. 
    • Hide FAQs and Terms & Conditions: Some clients don't include FAQs or Terms & Conditions in their bookings. There is now a setting to hide these sections in the event portal. 
    • Payment Refunds Optional When Cancelling a Booking: When cancelling a booking that already includes payments, the user will be prompted to either refund the payments or proceed with the cancellation without refunding the payments. This allows for you to cancel a booking without refunding a deposit if your policy doesn't refund deposits or other payments.  
    • Custom Field Dropdown: When adding custom fields to the bookings order form, we now have the option to add a dropdown with multiple options for selection. 
    • Add Multiple Sites per Assignment: This feature allows many sites to be booked at once when this assignment is booked. This is ideally used when booking a double party room. 
    • Place a "Hold" Sites: The booking module now has the ability to place a "hold" on a site or party room for a date and time range. A hold will block out the time slot for that site for the duration of the hold. An expiration date and time can be set on the hold allowing the hold to expire and release the time slot.  
  • More Reports
    • We are continually adding new reports to Aluvii. Take a look at the "Reporting" module along the left vertical sidebar for more reports. If you don't see this module, we may need to turn it on for you. 
  • Allow Zero-Dollar Transactions on eCommerce Checkout
    • Historically, when checking out on the eCommerce store it required a balance over $0.00 to complete the transaction. The store now allows transactions of $0.00. 
  • Performance and Speed Updates
    • We have sped up some pages and queries in Aluvii for faster load times and overall better performance. 


All reported bugs have been fixed.



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