The first step to setting up your schedule is to decide what it will look like, how long you want a booking to last, how long your session goes for, and if there is downtime or overlap between each of your bookings. To begin, head to the Event Management activity, and navigate to the Schedules tab.
To create a new schedule follow steps 1A-12A.
To edit an existing schedule 1B-4B.
Creating A New Schedule
Step 1A: Hit add schedule from the drop-down menu, and you will be greeted with this page:
Step 2A: Give your schedule a name. If it's a schedule that will be used for multiple events name it something generic like "Silver Package" or if it's for one product name it something like "Jump Admission". If it's a one-time deal name it according to your event ie "Easter Special".
Step 3A: Add your time zone so customers can book times properly.
Step 4A: Decide if you are creating a schedule for a session product, or an event/booking. If it is for a session product, select "Yes" for "Enable Session Schedule", if its an event/booking select "No"
Step 5A: Set the duration of the event. This will be how long the slot is taken up for from start time to end time. Remember, the amount is set in minutes, so set accordingly.
Step 6A: The minutes Between, Before, and After all have to do with downtime surrounding your bookings.
- Before: if you want a bit of a buffer from when your facility opens and when your bookings start, then you can add time before your bookings start without adding time between each consecutive booking.
- Between: if you need to add preparation time between each booking, you can increase this field to add time between each of your consecutive bookings.
- After: if you need bookings to stop sometime before your facility closes, you can increase this time field.
Everything that has been set to this point has to do with the timing, now we can set up how the events fill into your business hours.
Step 7A: Now navigate to the next tab labeled "Time & Recurrences." You will see this window, likely blank. Hit the Add New button in the top left to set your business hours. You can select the hours from a drop-down list by clicking the clock icon or manually type in the time.
Step 8A: Once you have added a new Sub-Schedule, hit the edit button (circled in red) in the top right to expand your view of the schedule. In this window, we need to give the schedule a name and set its boundaries.
Keep in mind you may need multiple sub-schedules to fill up your week. For example a Monday- Friday sub-schedule and a Saturday-Sunday sub-schedule. It's also good to note what kind of schedule you are creating, a One Time Use, Weekly Business Hours, or a Few Day's a Week type.
Step 9A: Name your schedule. If the Schedule is for certain days, name it accordingly, something self-explanatory like "Monday-Wednesday" or "Thursday Special".
Step 10A: Decide your Start and End time. If your bookings start and end the same time your facility does, then set these to be your business hours. If your events run a different time than business hours, then set the times they run only.
Step 11A: Set what days your sub-schedule repeats on, if it is a one-time schedule, we can disable the repeat feature by setting an end date.
- If your facility is open 7 days a week and uses the same schedule every day, then you can set your Recurrence pattern to "Daily" and make it Recur every "1" day.
- If you need your schedule to be used on only a few days out of the week, you can set that up as well by changing the Recurrence pattern to Weekly. Then you need to select which days you want to use the schedule. (The schedule below will repeat only on weekdays)
- You can repeat the methods above for Monthly and Yearly use. The same principles apply.
- If you are creating a schedule for a one-time event, set the Recurrence pattern to Daily. Then refer to step 13A to make sure the schedule only takes effect on the day you need it to.
Step 12A: If you have an end date for your sub-schedules (most schedules will not have an end date) then set that here, otherwise leave "No End Date' selected. A case where you need to end a schedule would be for a one-time special, such as a Memorial Day event, in that case, select "Endafter: times" and put 1 in the box. This means your schedule will only occur once, and never happen again. Another use case for putting an end date on your sub-schedules is if you have season changes. For example, if you have a Spring sub-schedule that ends on May 1 and then a new sub-schedule that starts on May 2, then you'd want the Spring sub-schedule to end on May 1 and the new summer sub-schedule to start on May 2.
Make sure to save your work after you are done.
You can have multiple Sub Schedules in one Schedule. For example, a Monday-Friday sub-schedule and a Sunday-Saturday sub-schedule. Both will have effects on the dates they are set up for.
If you have followed steps 1A-13A your schedule should be set up and ready to go! You can now apply your newly created schedule to things like Bookings/assignments and Session Products.
Changing Your Existing Schedules
Step 1B: Before editing your existing schedules, let's make sure we know which schedule we are changing.
- If its a session product, look under Register Management=> Products => Find your product and open it. Then go to the "Other" tab and see your schedule here.
- If its a booking, look under Event Management=> Assignments=> open which assignment you are changing. Then go to the "Details" tab and see your schedule here.
Step 2B: Once you know which schedule you're changing go to Event Management and navigate to the Schedules tab. This is where we will find the schedule you are looking to change, open that schedule up.
Step 3B: Now navigate to the next tab labeled "Time & Recurrences"
Step 4B: Then take a look over your schedule and become familiar with the sub schedules within. Hit the edit button (pencil icon) in the top right to expand your view of the schedule(s). If you need to extend or shrink your events' hours, you can do so with the Start* and End* boxes by changing the times within. You can select the hours from a drop-down list by clicking the clock icon or manually modify by typing in the time.
- To create a one-time schedule for an event refer to steps 12A, 13A above.
Make sure to save your work after you are done.
These steps should help you create and change your schedules, if you need further assistance refer to the content above or reach out to support.
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