Using Will Call for Tickets

For guests that have chosen to pick up their tickets at a later stage, you can use this function to keep track of the ticketing.

1. Log in to your Aluvii portal. Click on Will Call in the left-hand menu.


2. Click on Tickets.


3. Search for the tickets using a variety of methods, including name, email, last 4 digits of the card, or the transaction ID.

4. Once you've found the correct transaction, click on the arrow to open up the transaction details. If the transaction has multiple tickets, you can print all the tickets in one go by clicking on the Print All Tickets button. Similar to that option is the Consume All button if you need to consume all tickets in one go.


5. If the ticket has been used, it will be greyed out and show the date it was used under Consumed. However, if they can be used, you can do various functions. Click on the arrow next to Action.


6. Select the function you wish to perform.

  • Print Secondary Template - print out the ticket in the secondary template assigned. This is useful if your facility uses wristbands or passes.
  • Print Item - print the ticket in the original format
  • Consume Item - mark the ticket as used. This cannot be reversed


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