Booking Summary

Summary view of event bookings typically used as an overview of upcoming event bookings.


Date Field to Filter - choose to apply the Start Date and End Date to either the start time (scheduled date of the event itself) or booked on (date on which the event was initially booked/created).

Start Date - start date of either start time or booked on as selected in Date Field to Filter

Booked By - name of specific employee or all customers collectively, who booked/created the initial booking

End Date - end date of either start time or booked on as selected in Date Field to Filter


Order Id - Order id of the booking

Package Name - package name of the booking

Guest Name - name of the guest linked to the booking

Booked By - name of the employee who booked/created the initial booking

Booked On - date/time when the initial booking was booked/created

Primary Email - primary email of the guest linked to the booking

Primary Phone - primary phone of the guest linked to the booking

Gross Sales - Net Sales + Discounts 

Discount Net - Sum of all discounts

Discount % - Discount Net divided by Gross Sales

Net Sales - net sales price 

Tax Amount - sales tax amount

Grand Total - Net Sales + Tax Amount

Pay Status - payment status either Unpaid, Partial, or Full

Booking Source - source of initial booking creation.  Online or on-site.

Site Name - name of the site(s) tied to the assignment(s)

Assignment - name of the assignment(s)

Start Time - scheduled start time of the event

End Time - scheduled end time of the event

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