Inventory Sell Through

Inventory sold and days of inventory remaining based on average inventory sold per day over time period.


Start Date: start date at 00:00:00 of inventory sold in the range

Location: location of inventory

Supplier: supplier of the products

End Date: end date at 23:59:59.999 of inventory sold in the range

Inventoried: yes to show only products that are inventoried; otherwise, all inventory

Category: product category

Summary as of Date:  the date at 23:59:59.999 for the total outstanding gift card balance


Supplier Name: name of product supplier

Product Category Name: product category name

Product Name: product name

Site: site where the product is inventoried

Qty Sold: quantity of product sold during the date range

Avg Qty Sold per Day: Qty Sold / days in date range

Current Balance: current balance of the product at the site

Days Remaining Inventory: days of inventory remaining at the Avg Qty Sold per day = Current Balance / Avg Qty Sold per Day

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