Labor Cost Analysis

Reports labor cost on a straight cost basis (excluding any over time) as a percentage of sales and sales per labor hour for customers using Aluvii's time keeping activity.  


Start Date - start date of sales and time punches in range

End Date - end date of sales and time punches in range

Show Sessions on Deferred Basis - by default, session revenue is recognized when the payment is received.  Optionally, you can report session revenue on an accrual basis.


Day - date grouping

Hours - sum of hours clocked through Aluvii.  If the employee has not yet clocked out, the report calculated the hours as of the execution date/time of the report, to give an accurate sum or hours as of that point in time.

Straight Time - hours x straight hourly rate (does not account for overtime)

Sales - sum of net sales

Labor % - hours x straight hourly rate divided by net sales

SPLH - sales per labor hour = sum of net sales divided by hours x straight hourly rate

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