Stored Value summary and detail.
Start Date: start date at 00:00:00 of stored value for the sold and used views in the range
View By:
- Summary - shows a summary of stored value sold, stored value used (when a stored value is used as the payment method for a purchase), and total outstanding stored value balance as of Summary as of Date
- Details - shows outstanding balance details for each guest account Id
- Usage - shows stored value usage grouped by gift card
End Date: end date at 23:59:59.999 of stored value for the sold and used views in the range
Summary as of Date: the date at 23:59:59.999 for the total outstanding stored value balance
View by Summary
- Gift Cards Sold for Range: total amount of stored value sold during the selected date range
- Gift Cards Used for Range: total amount of stored value used during the selected date range
- Total Outstanding Gift Card Balances as of Summary as of Date: the total current balance of stored value (liability) as of the Summary as of Date selected.
View by Details:
- Guest Account Id: unique guestAccountId of the stored value
- Guest Account Name: guest account name
- Guest Id: unique guestId of the guest on the guest account
- Guest Name: guest name
- Total Value: total value of stored value on the guest account
- Account Value: amount of the total value that is allocated to the guest account level available for use by all guests on the guest account
- Allocated Value: amount of the total value that is allocated to individual guests on the account available only for use by that guest
View By Usage:
- Transaction Id: unique transactionId of the transaction where the stored value was used
- Order Id: unique orderId of the order where stored value was used
- Payment Type: refund or payment
- Payments Net: net amount of the stored value payment
- Guest Id: unique guestId of the guest who used the stored value
- Guest Name: guest name of the guest who used the stored value
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