Ticket Groups

Report to see summary of ticket groups and detail of tickets in ticket groups.


Date to Filter: select creation date for the Start Date and End Date parameters to filter by creation date; otherwise, select expiration date for the Start Date and End Date parameters to filter by expiration date.

Start Date: start date of field selected in Date to Filter parameter 

End Date:  end date of field selected in Date to Filter parameter

Ticket Group Name: name of the ticket group

Entitlement: name of the entrance entitlement associated with the ticket group

Complete: yes to return tickets that have been fully consumed.  No to return only tickets that have not been fully consumed.  Both to return all.

Ticket Type Name: name of the ticket type

Vendor: name of the group ticket reseller

Expand All Groupings - By default display all drill through to show all.



Vendor: name of the group ticket reseller

Ticket Group Name: name of the ticket group

Ticket Type: name of the ticket type

Tickets Created: number of group tickets created in the ticket group

Tickets Scanned: number of group tickets scanned in the ticket group

Tickets Unscanned: number of group tickets not yet scanned in the ticket group

Scanned Value: value of group tickets that have been scanned in the ticket group = Tickets Scanned x Ticket Value

Unscanned Value: value of group tickets that have not been scanned in the ticket group = = Tickets Unscanned x Ticket Value

Ticket Value: value set for the ticket 

Inactive or Deleted: 1 indicates that the ticket group is currently inactive or deleted; otherwise, 0

Date Most Scanned: date on which most tickets in the ticket group were scanned


Vendor: name of the group ticket reseller

Ticket Group Name: name of the ticket group

Ticket Type: name of the ticket type

Ticket Barcode Number: barcode of the ticket

Initial Value: initial value of the ticket

Used Value: value of the ticket used so far

Breakage: Initial value - Used Value

Ticket Value: value set for the ticket 

Last Scan: last date time the ticket was scanned

Complete: yes if the ticket has been fully consumed; otherwise, no

Exp Date: expiration date of the ticket in the ticket group

Ticket Format: ticket format such as BOCA, etc.

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