When using Access Control module to scan tickets or memberships, the scan result will either be approved or denied. In addition, there will be a message further describing the reason why it was approved or denied. The list below shows all possible scan results and an explanation of what each means. Note that access control is used for scanning barcodes from both tickets and memberships. The explanations below apply to tickets and memberships.
Message Descriptions:
- Approved: Welcome to the facility! Hope you enjoy your time
- Scan is approved and valid.
- Declined: Sorry, but it appears that you have already used your pass today
- This is only relevant for memberships and means the membership barcode has already been scanned the max number of times for that day. For example, if the membership only allows 1 scan per day and it has already been scanned that day, the subsequent scans of that membership barcode that day would show this message.
- Declined: Sorry but you do not have an active membership
- This is only relevant for memberships. If you scan a guest barcode and that guest does not have an active membership, this message will show.
- Declined: It appears that your barcode is invalid! Please see our guest interaction specialist
- This means the barcode that was scanned is not a ticket or a membership barcode found anywhere in Aluvii. For example, if you were to scan a random barcode not generated by Aluvii, the barcode would not be found in Aluvii and you'd see this message for invalid barcode.
- Declined: Sorry, but it appears that you have already used your Ticket.
- This is only relevant for tickets and means the ticket barcode has already been scanned the max number of times for that day. For example, if the ticket only allows 1 scan per day or 1 scan total and it has already been scanned that day, the subsequent scans of that ticket barcode that day would show this message.
- Declined: Sorry, you have already used this Ticket at this Entitlement
- This is only relevant for tickets and means the ticket has already been scanned for the particular entitlement. If the ticket has multiple entitlements, it means perhaps other entitlements can be scanned valid still, but this one has already been used.
- Declined: Sorry, but your Ticket has expired.
- This is relevant for tickets and means the ticket has expired and no longer valid.
- Declined: Sorry, but your Ticket is not valid at current Entrance.
- This is relevant for tickets and means the user is trying to scan an entitlement that is not relevant to the ticket. For example, if you have ticket A with entitlement A, and ticket B with entitlement B, if you try to scan ticket A with an entitlement B, you will see this message. You'll need to select the correct entitlement that is relevant to that ticket.
- Declined: Sorry, but membership's entitlement is invalid for today.
- This is relevant for memberships. Memberships can be configured to only be valid for certain days of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed, etc). For example, if the membership is not valid on a Wednesday, but you scan the membership on a Wednesday, then you'll see this message that it's not valid for that day.
- Declined: Ticket entered cannot be used at this time. It is currently not in allowed time period (TIME)
- This is relevant for tickets. Tickets can be configured to only work between a specific time of day, or time range. For example, if the ticket is configured to only work between 4pm - 8pm, but you try to scan the ticket at 2pm, you'll see this message that it is not valid at this time of day.
- Declined: The ticket {0} is not valid on {1}
- This is relevant for tickets. Tickets can be configured to only be valid for certain days of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed, etc) or specific dates. For example, if the ticket is not valid on a Wednesday, but you scan the ticket on a Wednesday, then you'll see this message that it's not valid for that date.
- Declined: Sorry, but your Membership is not valid at current Entrance.
- This is relevant for memberships and means the user is trying to scan an entitlement that is not relevant to the membership. For example, if you have membership package A with entitlement A, and membership package B with entitlement B, if you try to scan membership package A with an entitlement B, you will see this message. You'll need to select the correct entitlement that is relevant to that membership.
- Declined: Ticket has already been scanned for the maximum allowed limit({0}) for the day.
- This is only relevant for tickets. Tickets can be configured to only work a certain amount of times per day. For example, if the ticket can be scanned a total of 5 times, but is limited to only 1 scan per day, if the ticket was already scanned once that day, you will see this message that the ticket has reached its maximum limit for the day.
- Declined: Sorry, but your membership has expired.
- This is relevant for memberships and means the membership has expired and no longer valid.
- Declined: Sorry, but your membership has already been consumed.
- This is only relevant for membership and means the membership has already been scanned and has reached the limit.
- Declined: Sorry, but your membership has already been scanned for the maximum allowed limit({0}) for the day for this entitlement.
- This is only relevant for memberships. Memberships can be configured to only work a certain amount of times per day. For example, if the membership package can be scanned every day until expired, but is limited to only 1 scan per day, if the membership was already scanned once that day, you will see this message that the membership has reached its maximum scan limit for the day for that selected entitlement.
- Declined: Sorry, but your membership has already been scanned for the maximum allowed limit({0}) for this entitlement.
- This is similar to the one just above, but it pertains to the total scans allowed by the entitlement, and not necessarily the limit per day.
- Declined: Sorry, but your membership is not valid on {0}.
- This is relevant for memberships. If the membership is scanned on a date that is restricted based on the membership package configuration, you'll see this message.
- Declined: Sorry, but your membership cannot be used at this time. It is currently not in allowed time period (TIME).
- This is relevant for memberships. Memberships can be configured to only work between a specific time of day, or time range. For example, if the membership is configured to only work between 4pm - 8pm, but you try to scan the membership at 2pm, you'll see this message that it is not valid at this time of day.
- Declined: Sorry, your membership cannot be used at this time. this memebership having future start date(DATE).
- Memberships can be sold and then then the start date of the membership can be set to a future date. If this is the case, and the membership is scanned before the start date, you'll see this message.
These messages below are only relevant when using the Alvarado integrated devices.
These Alvarado devices support scanning even when the device is offline or not connected to internet. When this happens, the device will store the scan data on the local scanner. Then once it comes back online, it will send the data to Aluvii to be scanned at that time. When the device is offline, it can't valid the barcode with Aluvii, so it will show approved even if the ticket should be declined.
- Declined: Offline Approved Membership Valid
- The membership barcode was scanned approved while device was offline, and when it hit Aluvii the membership was indeed supposed to be valid.
- Declined: Offline Approved Membership Invalid
- The membership barcode was scanned approved while device was offline, and when it hit Aluvii the membership was actually supposed to be invalid. So it was a false positive.
- Declined: Offline Approved Ticket Valid
- The ticket barcode was scanned approved while device was offline, and when it hit Aluvii the ticket was indeed supposed to be valid.
- Declined: Offline Approved Ticket Invalid
- The ticket barcode was scanned approved while device was offline, and when it hit Aluvii the ticket was actually supposed to be invalid. So it was a false positive.
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