Summary of discount codes used for each product including discount amount.
Start Date: start date of sales in range
Group By: select the column by which the report should be grouped for summaries
Discount Code (optional): type the exact text (not case-sensitive) of the discount code you'd like to filter. Multiple discount codes can be entered using commas with a space between discount codes (ex. DISCOUNT 20, DISCOUNT 50)
End Date: end date of sales in range
Columns to Show: select which columns you'd like to show in the report's table
Discount Code - discount code used to apply discount
Discount Name - name of the discount package
Product - product to which the discount code was applied
Product amount - gross sales price for the product before the discount was applied.
Discounted Quantity - quantity of the product that had a discount applied
Discount Amount - amount of discount applied to the product
Transaction Date - date of the transaction
Week - week part of Transaction Date
Month - month part of Transaction Date
Year - year part of Transaction Date
Transaction Id - transaction Id of the transaction to which the discount was applied
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