Waiver Form - Kiosk Mode

Kiosk Mode is a feature in Chrome that allows the device to be used in a single-window/single-app kiosk mode, locking away access to the rest of the device. This will be useful in setting up a waiver kiosk for guests so they are locked onto a single fullscreen Chrome App that they can't change. 


Here are the steps to launch your waiver form in chrome into kiosk mode.

1. Log in to your employee portal and go to Waiver Management activity > Waivers tab. Highlight the waiver you want to open and select Launch Waiver Form from the select options dropdown.


2. On the waiver form page, go to the upper right corner of the browser and click on the 3 dots below the close ("X") button. Select More Tools >Create Shortcut to create a shortcut on the desktop.  add-save.png

3. Right-click on the desktop shortcut you created and select Properties. 

4. Look for the .exe extension in the Target field and type in " --kiosk " (no quote marks) after it. Click Apply and click Ok. change_-kiosk.png


**Make sure to put "space" before and after --kiosk. An error will pop up when saving without those spaces. 



5. Before launching the desktop shortcut for your waiver, make sure to close all browsers first. Double click on your waiver form shortcut on the desktop and you should have your Waiver Form in Kiosk Mode ready for use. 



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