Email Alerts for Failed Pay Plan Payments

When selling membership on a pay plan, you will need to monitor the scheduled payments closely to fix any cards on file that may be failiing to charge. Aluvii sends a notification email whenever a pay plan payment is unsuccessful. This article shows you how to set up that notification email:

  1. First, go to Administration > Configuration > Payment Gateway settings. On this page, type in your email address in the Pay Plan Notification Email section and click on Save Changes.Pay_Plan_Notification_1.png

  2. If you get a notification of a failed payment, it's usually because the card on file has an issue. You will likely have to call the customer and get a new card on file, or otherwise work with them to resolve the issue. You can check the phone number on the account in Guest Management and call the customer.Pay_Plan_Notification_2.png

  3. If you have to store a new card on file, you can update the credit card number by going to Guest Management > Pay Plan > Modify option. Click on the Change Card option on the pop-up screen to update their card details, and click on Modify to save the changes.Pay_Plan_Notification_3.png

  4. Note that after you update the card on file, you may need to manually retry the charge using the new card. To do this, go back to the Pay Plan tab on the account, and click on History. Click on Retry Payment to charge the customer using the new card.Pay_Plan_Notification_4.png

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