Account perks are memberships or add-ons that have been assigned to the account. This allows any guest on the account to use that membership or add-on using their own unique barcode. Account perks can be added using the process below or added using the Fast Load Membership. For more information on the Fast Load Membership method, click here and scroll down to Method 2.
Selling Account Perks
1. In the Guest Management activity, look up the guest account and select the Account Perks tab.
2. The current perks with expiration dates will be displayed. Select Add New Perk.
3. Drag and drop the perks to the table or double-click them. Once the perks are added to the table, they will disappear from the options above. You can modify the quantity and comp perks in this table. Select Send to Check Out.
4. Review the cart and make any final changes. Select Payment. Click here to read a description of the payment process.
To view the perks, click the Account Perks tab. If you don't see the perks you added, try clicking the Refresh button.
Modifying Account Perks
Modifying Account Perks is easy. Click on the Actions option, and click on Modify. After that, an edit box below will pop up. Modify the information you want to, type a Justification reason, and select Save Changes. You will not be able to modify the account perk without adding a reason in the justification section. The modification and the justification will be displayed in the history tab on the account.
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