Chart of Accounts (Accounting Codes)

Reading reports and booking revenue from Aluvii into your accounting system is a task made easier with Aluvii's chart of accounts. 

Chart of Accounts Defined

A chart of accounts is a list of all of the financial accounts  in the general ledger.  In Aluvii software, we refer to them as Accounting Codes.    Quickbooks calls it a chart of accounts, but when you record transactions, they are referred to as "categories."  Other names might be classifications, groupings, revenue type, etc.  Examples include names like admission revenue, food and beverage revenue, ticket sales, membership sales, etc. 

Chart of Accounts in Aluvii

Aluvii allows you to add your accounting codes trelated to revenues/sales and prepaid revenue liability accounts to the chart of accounts .  You then have the option to assign an accounting code to nearly every sellable item in Aluvii. 

Many Aluvii customers do not wish to maintain a chart of accounts in Aluvii and rely only on the categories to which the sellable items are assigned.  Most of the reports in Aluvii report by accounting codes, so to get the most out of Aluvii's reporting capabilities, it is strongly recommended that you setup a chart of accounts and assign each sellable item to an accounting code.   

Familiarize Yourself with Default Accounting Codes

1. Log into your employee portal and click on Administration from the menu.


2. Click on the Accounting tab, followed by the Chart of Accounts tab.


Default accounting codes are provided in the Chart of Accounts.  These are accounting codes that are fundamental to basic functionality of Aluvii software.  These are intended to remain in place, but be renamed to something that matches the equivalent in your accounting books.  Please take the time now to rename these accounting codes to a name that matches the corresponding account in your accounting software.  

IMPORTANT:  Aluvii software will allow you to delete or inactivate default accounting codes, but it is highly recommended that you not do so, because there will be unintended negative consequences when viewing reports.  Instead, rename the default accounting codes to something suitable for your needs.  Additionally, unless directed by Aluvii support, do not change the Journal Entry Type for default accounting codes.

  1. Aluvii-Accounts Receivable - reserved for future integrations with accounting software.  
  2. Aluvii-Sales Tax - deprecated.  See 28 Default Tax.
  3. Aluvii-TipsPayable - money received as tips report to this account.  Tips will presumably be paid out to the employee that earned the tip, so this is considered a liability (something that you owe), rather than revenue/sale (something that you earned).  
  4. Aluvii-Cash - payments tendered or refunded in paper or coin currency.
  5. Aluvii-StoredValue - payments tendered or refunded in stored value (redeemed or used stored value) and purchases of stored value (adding more stored value to a guest or guest account) report to this account.  When stored value is purchased, it will display in reports as a credit.  When stored value is redeemed or used, it will display in reports as a debit.  
  6.  Aluvii-Credit - payments tendered or refunded by a charge card that does not go through one of the major four payment networks Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express report to this account.  An example might include Diner's Club.
  7. Aluvii-Visa - payments tendered or refunded by a charge card on the Visa network.
  8. Aluvii-MasterCard - payments tendered or refunded by a charge card on the MasterCard network.
  9. Aluvii-Discover - payments tendered or refunded by a charge card on the Discover network.
  10. Aluvii-AMEX - payments tendered or refunded by a charge card on the American Express (AMEX) network.
  11. Aluvii-TransactionFee - sales of transaction fees.
  12. Aluvii-Discounts - reserved for future use.
  13. Aluvii-Check - tendered payments or refunds by check.  Clients who started with Aluvii on or after version 2.6 will have checks added as a tender type by default.  If you were a customer before version 2.6, the process to add a custom tender type for checks can be read here
  14. Aluvii-TipCashOut - tips/gratuities can be accepted with any tender type and then paid out to employees in cash from a till.  Both the reduction in the tips payable liability and the cash going out of the cash balance collected for the day are reported to this account.
  15. Aluvii-DueToFrom - assists in accounting for intercompany due tos and froms.  This is an advanced configuration available for an extra charge that allows clients with multiple locations in a single instance of Aluvii with items such as memberships, tickets, etc. that are sold at one location and need to be redeemed at another location with the redeeming location needing to be reimbursed from the selling location.
  16. Aluvii-DeferredSales-SessionProducts - reserved for future release of revenue recognition abilities in session products (ignore for now).
  17. Aluvii-DeferredSales-Tickets - reserved for future release of revenue recognition abilities with tickets (ignore for now).
  18. Aluvii-DeferredSales-Tips - reserved for future release related to revenue recognition abilities with tips (ignore for now).
  19. Aluvii-DeferredSales-Memberships - reserved for future release of revenue recognition abilities with tickets (ignore for now).
  20. Aluvii-Unassigned - if any sellable items do not have an optional accounting code assigned, they will report to this accounting code by default.
  21. Aluvii-EarnedSales-Events - at the end date/time of an event, the entire amount of the event booking reports to this account.  For a thorough explanation of this account and reporting on event bookings, see this article.
  22. Aluvii-DeferredSales-Events - all payments toward an event, regardless of when the payment is received, is reported to this account.  For a thorough explanation of this account and reporting on event bookings, see this article.
  23. Aluvii-GiftCard-External - if you are using CardKnox to sell gift cards, because you want gift cards to be valid across multiple Aluvii instances, read on.  If not, this accounting code is not relevant to you, and you will use Id 24 Aluvii-GiftCard-Internal, instead.  Payments tendered or refunded for gift cards maintained in CardKnox (redeemed or used gift cards maintained in CardKnox) and purchases of gift cards maintained in CardKnox (adding more money to a gift card maintained in CardKnox) report to this account.  When a gift card maintained in CardKnox is purchased, it will display in reports as a credit.  When a gift card maintained in CardKnox is redeemed or used, it will display in reports as a debit.  
  24. Aluvii-GiftCard-Internal - if you are using Aluvii to sell gift cards, read on.  If you are using CardKnox to maintain your gift card balances, because you want gift cards to be valid across multiple Aluvii instances,  this accounting code is not relevant to you, and you will use Id 23 Aluvii-GiftCard-External, instead.  Payments tendered or refunded for gift cards maintained in Aluvii (redeemed or used gift cards maintained in Aluvii) and purchases of gift cards maintained in Aluvii (adding more money to a gift card maintained in Aluvii) should be assigned to this account.  When a gift card maintained in Aluvii is purchased, it will display in reports as a credit.  When a gift card maintained in Aluvii is redeemed or used, it will display in reports as a debit. 
  25. Aluvii-PendingPayment - pending transactions report to this accounting code.
  26. Aluvii-PendingSales - reserved for future functionality (ignore for now).  
  27. Aluvii-PendingTax - reserved for future functionality (ignore for now). 
  28. Default Tax - tax options that are not assigned to an optional accounting code report to this accounting code by default.
  29. Default Tender - custom tender types that are not assigned to an optional accounting code report to this accounting code by default.
  30. Aluvii-CardSales - sales of arcade cards from an Embed kiosk report to this accounting code.  The Embed integration is subject to additional costs.  To enable reporting of sales of Embed arcade cards sold through an Embed kiosk, you must have the Aluvii polling client installed on the Embed server.  Please email to have the polling client installed.  
  31. Aluvii-CardSalesPayment - reserved for future functionality (ignore for now).

Adding Custom Accounting Codes to the Chart of Accounts

1. Log into your employee portal and click on Administration from the menu.


2. Click on the Accounting tab, followed by the Chart of Accounts tab.


3. Click on Select Option drop down and select Add Chart of Account.


4. Fill in the fields to create a new account.

  • Account Code: the name of the custom accounting code that matches your accounting software.  Examples include admission revenue (or admission sales), food and beverage revenue (or food and beverage sales) and so on.
  • Account Description: the description of the new account
  • Account Category: select an optional account category
  • Journal Entry Type: select the type of journal entry for the account

5. Click on Save.


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