Workflows enable set up fields that are commonly used in a variety of instances. In this article, we will discuss how to set up the workflow for session products.
1. Log in to your Aluvii portal and click on Workflow in the left menu.
2. In the first dropdown menu, select Sessions. In the second dropdown menu, select the session you wish to edit. At first, there will only be one session, but if you use multiple settings for sessions, you can click on Copy Workflow to create a new one.
3. Complete all the settings for your session.
- Capacity limited by - select Site or Session. If you select Site, the workflow will automatically assign the site's limit to the session limit. To learn about setting up a site, click here. If you select Session, you will be prompted to set a limit.
- Capacity blocks sales on register - if you have a hard capacity cap, set this to Yes. This will not allow the session register to override the capacity. If you have a soft cap, you can set this to No, which will allow the session register to override the capacity.
- Capacity blocks sales on E-Commerce - same as above, but from your e-commerce website.
- Named participants - whether the workflow will ask for the names of your participants
- Require Waiver - whether or not the session needs a waiver. If it does, you will need to select which waiver you wish to use. To learn how to create a waiver, click here.
- Allow tickets to be printed without attached waiver - whether or not the employee running the register can print session tickets without a waiver.
- Block transaction if waiver is not assigned - will prevent the session from being added to the cart and being paid for if a waiver has not been attached.
- Prompt user with event message #1/#2 - user will be prompted with this message according to the number of days set relative to the guest's birthday.
- Hide capacity on ecommerce sessions - whether or not the capacity remaining can be seen by customers on the e-commerce portal.
- Advanced buffer on ecommerce sessions - this option sets how many minutes or days the customer will be able to book prior to the start of the session(s) in the web store.
- Hide Slots after specific timeframe - this option sets how many minutes or days the customer will be able to see the session time slots relative to the current date. For instance, if the value is set to 30 days, the customer cannot see session time slots beyond 30 days and therefore, can only book sessions before that.
- Remove end time on sessions on ecommerce - setting this option to Yes means that the customers who book the session will only see the session start time and NOT the end time of the session.
4. Click on Save to save the current settings.
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