This article explains how a cashier can sell an upgraded membership package to a member with an existing membership package of a lower grade by paying the difference in price. NOTE: this feature does not work with memberships on with a Payment Plan.
First, you need to define which membership package is upgradable to other membership packages. In this example, the Monthly Membership is both upgradable to Quarterly and Annual Membership, and the Quarterly is upgradable to Annual Membership.
Next, edit the Monthly Membership package, and add the Quarterly and Annual Membership packages to the Upgrade Membership Package section.
Immediately the system will calculate the price difference between the two and will automatically fill in the amount. Click on Submit to save the changes. NOTE: the upgrade price can be edited at any time if you wish to charge a different amount for the upgrade.
Next, follow the same process to the Quarterly Membership package, but this time, only add the Annual Membership package to the Upgrade Membership Package section. Don't forget to click Submit to save the changes.
Test the configuration by selling one of the lower membership packages to your customers in the Guest Management activity. To upgrade the package, click on Action, and then choose the Upgrade option.
Then, a pop-up window will show the available membership packages that the existing membership package can be upgraded to. The upgraded membership package will be added to the shopping cart at the price you set. Click on send to check out button to proceed.
Upon completion of payment, the upgraded membership package is on the guest's record.
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