You may sell some products that are a single product type but has multiple variants. For example, you may sell Tshirts with various color and sizing options. It would take a while to create each variant manually as a separate product in Register Management. Here's an effective way to do this using the Variant Groups feature:
First, open the Variant Groups tab on Register Management > Products page. Click on Select Option, and choose Add Variant Group.
Then, name the variant group accordingly and select the Parent Product for the variant group. If you don't have the parent product created yet, click here to learn more about creating products in Register Management. When creating the variant group, the process will be creating individual unique products, and it will take most of the attributes from the parent product to do it. For example, in the example of a tshirt, you'd have a product called "T-shirt" as the parent product.
Now, you can create the attribute(s) for the product, and each attribute will require you to create an option(s). In this example, the parent product is a Hoodie, and it has options for sizes and color attributes. Once created, it will generate a unique product with each respective attributes. Click Done to proceed. You'll see from here you can manage each product in bulk, including the name, the barcode(s), whether or not it should be inventoried, from which sites it should track inventory, etc. If you want to inventory these, you'll need to mark each one inventoried by click the "inventory sites" button and mark the sites "true".
After that, go to Register Management > Products page, and search for the product. It should give you the list of products that were automatically created with each attribute.
If you want, now that the products are created from the variant group, you can edit the details of each product created individually, including the image, etc, just like when you create or edit a common product in the register management. Or if you're wanting to bulk edit the products using the variant group screen, you can do that too.
Finally, your product variants are now ready to be sold in your employee's register. If you scan the barcode of any of the unique products into the register, that particular variant product will be added to the cart. if you sell the parent product by clicking the product button on the register (not using the barcode scan), then it will prompt you to select the proper variant.
If you want to sell these products on ecommerce, following the steps in this article is required as a pre-requisite to selling them online too.
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